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Ambrosia Bio has discovered how to produce Allulose in large quantities, making this groundbreaking sweetener both affordable and efficient.


Enabling a healthy lifestyle without compromising the product's taste.

Rare sugars, such as Allulose and others, are considered ideal sugar replacements because they have a similar taste profile and sweetness to sugar but don’t have the aftertaste of many artificial sugars. In addition, rare sugars also share similar technical and textural characteristics with natural sugars.​ Remarkably, those qualities come with very low to nearly no caloric value.  


Ambrosia Bio’s rare sugar portfolio is safe to use also by diabetic patients.

Ambrosia Bio's end-to-end solution removes the barriers to Allulose’s mass adoption.

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Forging a healthier world, one ingredient at a time

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BioGiv, Jerusalem, Israel


SIte by Adi Linial

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